Chris Tomlin is an American Christian musician and preacher...
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Your donation makes Now Radio possible!
We are looking for 500 people who would like to support NOW Radio and donate € 10 per month. This will enable us to continue broadcasting on DAB+ in the greater Vienna area. In addition, our goal is to broadcast NOW Radio on DAB+ throughout Austria.
Are you in?
NOW Radio inspires and encourages people to live a life with Jesus via digital radio in Austria.
We are the Austrian Christian radio station. We play international songs from Christian Contemporary Music (CCM), supplemented with current German-language Christian music. Short impulse contributions on faith and life with Jesus provide inspiration for everyday life. Inputs and song lyrics with depth invite you to discover more about Jesus.
We are an innovative team of experienced radio producers, media specialists, marketing and communication experts and start-up founders. Our life is based on a personal relationship with Jesus and a deep desire to enable other people to encounter him.
As a listener-funded radio station, we look forward to your support and feedback!
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